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Podiatrist Reveals The Truth: How Over 16,839 Patients Have Gotten Rid Of Their Painful, Swollen Feet

NEVER Pay For Another Podiatrist Visit Before Trying THIS.

By Amelia Lloyd | June 8, 2023 | 11:11 am EDT

Neuropathic Foot Pain, Plantar Fasciitis, Restless-Leg Syndrome.

There are many different types of foot pain…

But there is one underlying factor that links them all…

And this underlying factor holds a secret!

Once you understand this secret, the pain will drain from your feet and comfort will take its place!

Before we get into the secret, let’s reveal the underlying factor…

Poor Blood Circulation

Have you ever noticed how the pain in your feet feels worse after:

Sitting down for too long?

Or after waking up?

Or after being on your feet all day?

That’s because these are times when blood circulation is at its worst!

You may be wondering - "What does poor blood circulation have to do with my foot pain?"

A 2019 study revealed that 94% of foot pain conditions are either caused or worsened by poor blood circulation!

So to feel comfort return to your feet, what you need is a way to improve the circulation of blood around your feet.

Because when you improve the blood circulation around your feet:

Your nerves are able to repair faster.

Fatigued muscles are rejuvenated.

And your bones and joints will become stronger.

Just like water going down the sink, the pain will be drained from your feet and comfort will return!

Unfortunately, many people turn to painkillers and blood thinners with very little success and end up in a much worse position…

Painkillers ONLY treat the symptoms. NOT the root cause…

They create a smoke screen…

An illusion.

Making you believe that everything is fine, when really under the fake blanket of comfort, Your feet are being starved of the oxygen and nutrient-rich blood they depend on!

Forcing people to become dependent on a higher and higher dosage to maintain the exact same level of comfort.

It’s a losing game.

These treatments only improve blood circulation for a short period of time.

This is why you may have felt some relief - But the truth is, they are not enough to completely soothe your foot pain.

What’s needed is a way to increase the blood circulation around your feet, not for a short period of time, but for as long as you need!

And now, we are getting to the secret…It is this secret that has allowed thousands to say goodbye to their foot pain FOR GOOD!

Developed by a top Biomechanical Podiatrist in Germany…

This device can help alleviate the pain you feel almost instantly.

And it's as simple as Click, Roll & Enjoy.

It goes by the name Functional Roller

And its secret is an innovative combination of Enhanced Vibration and Trigger Point Therapy.

Functional Roller’s Trigger Point Therapy massages deep into the muscular tissue of your foot.

Whilst simultaneously sending a therapeutic wave of Enhanced Vibrations.

Combined, they both work to activate the body’s self-healing mechanism - delivering more oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to the feet and legs.

The Podiatrist who created this device found that...

Combining Vibration & Trigger-Point Therapy solves the root cause of foot conditions like Neuropathy, Plantar fasciitis & Restless-Leg Syndrome.

As you roll your foot over the Functional Roller, you will feel its enhanced vibration therapy massage deep into the tissue of your foot.

This causes your blood vessels to expand, allowing oxygen and nutrient blood to effortlessly flow throughout your feet!

Relaxing the Plantar Fascia.

Soothing the impulses of RLS.

And even overriding the misfiring pain signals caused by neuropathy.

Simultaneously, the Trigger Point Therapy works to relieve the tension of knots within your feet.

Knots are responsible for those dull, aching and sharp pains…

And using various built-in pressure points, Functional Roller firmly presses against the knots in your feet and calves to unwind them and soothe those dull, aching and sharp pains!

He created the only device on the market that harnesses this unique Therapeutic Combination to allow your feet & legs to receive everything they need to start repairing.

Unlike conventional solutions, It ACTUALLY targets the root cause of your foot pain.

Allowing you to painlessly reverse the damage to your feet.

And prevent those sharp, burning and stabbing pains...

All from in the comfort of your home

It takes less than 15 minutes a day!

And in less than 9 days, you will notice a significant improvement...

Allowing you to walk, stand, and sleep pain-free, while reducing burning, stabbing and zapping pains.

Since the launch, they've helped thousands of people reverse their Neuropathic Foot Pain, Plantar Fasciitis and Morton’s Neuroma...

This is Sarah's Story: 4 Years of Pain, Shame And Embarrassment Were Erased within a few days

I was 41 years old when my foot pain started.

I ignored it thinking it would just go away.

It was one of the biggest mistakes I ever made. Because around the time I turned 45, my life came to a grinding halt. I was paralysed by my pain.

I remember thinking "Is this how my grandkids will remember me?"

That's when my search for a solution started.

I watched youtube video after video, read Reddit forums and online blogs. I then came across a woman name Susan who shared very similar pain and symptoms as me.

She vouched for this weird looking rolling massage device (which I know use twice every day)

I gave it a try and was wowzed - it created a blissful oasis of relaxation and rejuvenation in my feet.

Now at 45 years old and after years of suffering, wanting nothing more than relief, my foot pain is completely gone!

I can’t thank Dr. Harvey and Functional Aid enough. 

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Here’s How It Works

The best part about FunctionalRoller is that is so easy to use.

First, there are no annoying cords. You just charge it with the cable that arrives together with your order.

Second, switch on and select between 3 different therapeutic modes, each one more intense than the previous & 1 intermittent vibration setting.

Third, roll you feet and let FunctionalRoller's enhanced vibration and trigger point therapy release the tightness & discomfort

Still on the fence?

Imagine this: Your legs and feet feel like you are 20 again.

And you will get back to all the things you love doing.

And if not?

If not, you will receive 100% refund of every penny you paid,

PLUS you keep the product. For FREE!!!

If you’re not thrilled with the results, Functional Aid don’t want your money. No hassles, no questions asked.

If your swollen legs and foot pain is not transformed into a feeling of bliss and relief. They will return 100 percent of your purchase price.

Simply email their customer support team at support@functionalaid.com.

You have nothing to lose.

Click the button below and check the availability.

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4.8 | 1,897 Reviews


Increase blood flow in the affected area, which activates the body's self-healing mechanism

Doctor designed & recommended

Instant relief even from chronic foot pain (no harsh pain killers)

Your own in-home podiatrists (money back in your pocket)

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