

Home > Pain Relief > Functional Aid™ > FucntionalSocks

My Doctor Told Me That There’s No Cure for My Neuropathy… But Then I Discovered an Alternative Solution That Erased Pain & Tingling for Good

NEVER Pay For Another Podiatrist Visit Before Trying THIS.

By Amelia Lloyd | June 8, 2023 | 11:11 am EDT

The piercing, tingling sensations in my feet never give me a moment's peace.


It's as if thousands of needles are constantly pricking my soles, sending jolts of burning pain with my every step.


I wish I could explain to others how this invisible torment has robbed me of so much…


My old life of freedom and independence feels like a distant memory.


Now even a short walk to the bathroom brings excruciating pain.


Taking a stroll outside with friends, going shopping, playing with my grandkids - these simple joys have become impossible dreams taunting me with what may never be again.


The inability to sleep from the relentless agony only makes my suffering worse.


I desperately miss when my feet didn't dictate my every move.


But what hurts most is feeling I've become a burden to my loved ones…


I’ll be honest with you… Needing to rely on my family for basic tasks wounds my pride.


I've always cherished my self-sufficiency. I hate that my chronic pain has made me unable to contribute as before.


If only I could find relief, then I might find the woman who was once strong and capable.

I Was Taking a Handful of Pills, Just Trying to Make It Through Each Miserable Day…

My Doctor said point blank there was nothing more he could do to cure my neuropathy.


He kept prescribing stronger painkillers and told me that I'd have to learn to live with the constant agony.


But I couldn't accept that fate.


I refused to believe modern medicine had no better answers for my condition than drugging myself into a stupor simply to function.


There had to be another way…


So I started desperately searching online for alternative treatments.


I tried every home remedy imaginable, willing to try anything to ease the relentless stabbing and burning.


I just had to keep believing there was still hope, and I took to the internet in search of a real answer…


Searching online late into the night, I discovered a man who seemed to have the answer.

That’s When I Met A Podiatrist Who Let Me On A New Solution That's Helping Reverse Neuropathic Foot Pain.

After treating foot pain for over 30 years...


Dr Huberman has seen all the ways neuropathic foot pain has wrecked havoc on the lives of those battling it... 


His credentials were impeccable, and his website boasted rave reviews from patients worldwide.

Unlike most 'specialists' who just prescribe band-aid medication, he wasn't afraid to try something different to help his patients find relief..


Finally, an expert who believed they could actually help!


But my excitement turned to dismay as he revealed the actual cause:

"Your nerves are being starved of oxygen and nutrients...


Without a proper fuel supply, your peripheral nerves will undergo accelerated death until all sensation is lost."

His blunt words struck terror into my heart…

I'd assumed the constant stabbing pains were my new normal to be managed.


But hearing him describe my nerve fibres actively dying and how it can get even worse made my situation suddenly seem dire.


This wasn't just chronic pain, but an active threat to my mobility if left unaddressed.


For the first time, I felt real hope - maybe this expert could help where others had failed.

There was still time to reverse the damage if I acted fast.


Dr John Huberman explained how nerve cells are like every other cell in the body, they depend on oxygen and nutrients which are all delivered via the bloodstream.


He described how without adequate oxygen and nutrients, nerves in the feet wither, unable to repair.


The stabbing and burning pains are warning signs of progressive nerve deterioration.

It's like a plant that is withering away from a lack of water.


For the first time, it made sense why medication only provided temporary relief.


Pills couldn't address the root problem - starving nerves crying out for the oxygen and nutrients required to rebuild and function normally again.


If we could restore sufficient blood flow to nourish neglected nerves, perhaps agonizing symptoms could finally be reversed at their source.

The ONE HUGE FLAW that’s holding you back from long-lasting relief…

Medications like Gabapentin just mute pain signals without stopping the progressive nerve damage.


It’s like taking a painkiller when you have tooth decay, it doesn't treat the decay, just the pain.


They provide a false sense of relief while the nerves continue to wither away.


But Dr. Huberman noticed many patients reported temporary pain relief from physiotherapy and massage.


That's because these treatments actually increase blood flow delivering vital oxygen and nutrients to numb, aching nerves.


Within days, the agonising symptoms always returned once circulation decreased again.


And that’s because the increase in blood circulation is temporary.

Finally, Dr. Huberman Told Me That There’s ONE Way to Reverse Neuropathic Pain...

Improve blood flow continuously and those nutrients will reach your damaged nerves 24/7.


This would allow proper nerve repair and function to be restored, providing genuine, lasting relief naturally without side effects.

But how do you do it?


Traditional medicine will tell you to walk 10,000 steps a day or exercise more…


We know that’s almost impossible with neuropathy.


So… What is the solution?


That was the exact question I asked Dr Huberman…


And it was the first time I heard the words:


Compression Zone Technology.

That's When He Showed Me The New Breakthrough Technology That Fixes Blood Circulation Issues and Reverses Neuropathic Pain in Mere Weeks

Video Thumbnail

Dr. Huberman told me about the medical startup FunctionalAid, who have created the first ever pair of compression socks that uses Compression Zone Technology.


This new solution uses 5 targeted compression zones to apply unique waves of graduated pressure deep into the tissue of the feet, instantly increasing blood flow.


This means damaged peripheral nerves are continuously flooded with oxygen-rich blood around the clock.


Within a few weeks, the improved circulation allows inflamed nerves to heal and regenerate, eliminating the burning, tingling and stabbing pains.


You can finally repair your starved nerve fibres passively as you go about your daily life.


Without constant foot agony disrupting your mobility and sleep, you can get back to the activities you love again.


This breakthrough technology frees you from the prison of neuropathy by nourishing your damaged nerves back to health.

This New Breakthrough Technology Fixes Blood Circulation Issues and Reverses Neuropathic Pain in Mere Weeks

After just a couple weeks of wearing FunctionalSocks, my neuropathy pain began fading.


I was in disbelief. The constant stabbing and tingling had plagued my feet for so long, that I'd forgotten life without them.


Now I can stand to cook, walk my dog, play with my grandkids... all without that electrifying agony.


The freedom to move and sleep pain-free, to reclaim my's given me my life back. No more feeling trapped in my own home and body.


With renewed circulation nourishing my neglected nerves, it's like emerging from darkness back into light.


I feel like my old self again - active and unstoppable.


My only regret is not finding FunctionalSocks sooner…


But I'm determined to appreciate each pain-free step now and make up for lost time.

Thousands of People Were Able to Reverse Neuropathy With This Solution

If you check out Functional Aid's website, you will find thousands of reviews from people just like you who were able to completely reverse neuropathy:

Check Availability >>

The Best Part? You're Safe With Their 90 Day Money Back Guarantee!

So if you're still on the fence...


Just imagine this: Your legs and feet feel like you are 20 again.


And you will get back to all the things you love doing.


And if not?


If not, you will receive 100% refund of every penny you paid,


PLUS you keep the product. For FREE!!!


If you’re not thrilled with the results, Functional Aid don’t want your money. No hassles, no questions asked.


If your swollen legs and foot pain is not transformed into a feeling of bliss and relief. They will return 100 percent of your purchase price.


Simply email their customer support team at


You have nothing to lose.


Click the button below and check the availability.

Check Availability >>


4.8 | 1,897 Reviews


Improves blood circulation, relieves swelling & inflammation

Relieves Your Heel & Arch Pain From Plantar Fasciitis

Instant relief even from chronic foot pain (no harsh pain killers)

Your own in-home podiatrists (money back in your pocket)

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Home > Pain Relief > Functional Aid™ > FucntionalSocks

My Doctor Told Me That There’s No Cure for My Neuropathy… But Then I Discovered an Alternative Solution That Erased Pain & Tingling for Good

NEVER Pay For Another Podiatrist Visit Before Trying THIS.

By Amelia Lloyd | June 8, 2023 | 11:11 am EDT

The piercing, tingling sensations in my feet never give me a moment's peace.


It's as if thousands of needles are constantly pricking my soles, sending jolts of burning pain with my every step.


I wish I could explain to others how this invisible torment has robbed me of so much…


My old life of freedom and independence feels like a distant memory.


Now even a short walk to the bathroom brings excruciating pain.


Taking a stroll outside with friends, going shopping, playing with my grandkids - these simple joys have become impossible dreams taunting me with what may never be again.


The inability to sleep from the relentless agony only makes my suffering worse.


I desperately miss when my feet didn't dictate my every move.


But what hurts most is feeling I've become a burden to my loved ones…


I’ll be honest with you… Needing to rely on my family for basic tasks wounds my pride.


I've always cherished my self-sufficiency. I hate that my chronic pain has made me unable to contribute as before.


If only I could find relief, then I might find the woman who was once strong and capable.

I Was Taking a Handful of Pills, Just Trying to Make It Through Each Miserable Day…

My Doctor said point blank there was nothing more he could do to cure my neuropathy.


He kept prescribing stronger painkillers and told me that I'd have to learn to live with the constant agony.


But I couldn't accept that fate.


I refused to believe modern medicine had no better answers for my condition than drugging myself into a stupor simply to function.


There had to be another way…


So I started desperately searching online for alternative treatments.


I tried every home remedy imaginable, willing to try anything to ease the relentless stabbing and burning.


I just had to keep believing there was still hope, and I took to the internet in search of a real answer…


Searching online late into the night, I discovered a man who seemed to have the answer.

That’s When I Met A Podiatrist Who Let Me On A New Solution That's Helping Reverse Neuropathic Foot Pain.

After treating foot pain for over 30 years...


Dr Huberman has seen all the ways neuropathic foot pain has wrecked havoc on the lives of those battling it... 


His credentials were impeccable, and his website boasted rave reviews from patients worldwide.

Unlike most 'specialists' who just prescribe band-aid medication, he wasn't afraid to try something different to help his patients find relief..


Finally, an expert who believed they could actually help!


But my excitement turned to dismay as he revealed the actual cause:

"Your nerves are being starved of oxygen and nutrients...


Without a proper fuel supply, your peripheral nerves will undergo accelerated death until all sensation is lost."

His blunt words struck terror into my heart…

I'd assumed the constant stabbing pains were my new normal to be managed.


But hearing him describe my nerve fibres actively dying and how it can get even worse made my situation suddenly seem dire.


This wasn't just chronic pain, but an active threat to my mobility if left unaddressed.


For the first time, I felt real hope - maybe this expert could help where others had failed.

There was still time to reverse the damage if I acted fast.


Dr John Huberman explained how nerve cells are like every other cell in the body, they depend on oxygen and nutrients which are all delivered via the bloodstream.


He described how without adequate oxygen and nutrients, nerves in the feet wither, unable to repair.


The stabbing and burning pains are warning signs of progressive nerve deterioration.

It's like a plant that is withering away from a lack of water.


For the first time, it made sense why medication only provided temporary relief.


Pills couldn't address the root problem - starving nerves crying out for the oxygen and nutrients required to rebuild and function normally again.


If we could restore sufficient blood flow to nourish neglected nerves, perhaps agonizing symptoms could finally be reversed at their source.

The ONE HUGE FLAW that’s holding you back from long-lasting relief…

Medications like Gabapentin just mute pain signals without stopping the progressive nerve damage.


It’s like taking a painkiller when you have tooth decay, it doesn't treat the decay, just the pain.


They provide a false sense of relief while the nerves continue to wither away.


But Dr. Huberman noticed many patients reported temporary pain relief from physiotherapy and massage.


That's because these treatments actually increase blood flow delivering vital oxygen and nutrients to numb, aching nerves.


Within days, the agonising symptoms always returned once circulation decreased again.


And that’s because the increase in blood circulation is temporary.

Finally, Dr. Huberman Told Me That There’s ONE Way to Reverse Neuropathic Pain...

Improve blood flow continuously and those nutrients will reach your damaged nerves 24/7.


This would allow proper nerve repair and function to be restored, providing genuine, lasting relief naturally without side effects.

But how do you do it?


Traditional medicine will tell you to walk 10,000 steps a day or exercise more…


We know that’s almost impossible with neuropathy.


So… What is the solution?


That was the exact question I asked Dr Huberman…


And it was the first time I heard the words:


Compression Zone Technology.

That's When He Showed Me The New Breakthrough Technology That Fixes Blood Circulation Issues and Reverses Neuropathic Pain in Mere Weeks

Video Thumbnail

Dr. Huberman told me about the medical startup FunctionalAid, who have created the first ever pair of compression socks that uses Compression Zone Technology.


This new solution uses 5 targeted compression zones to apply unique waves of graduated pressure deep into the tissue of the feet, instantly increasing blood flow.


This means damaged peripheral nerves are continuously flooded with oxygen-rich blood around the clock.


Within a few weeks, the improved circulation allows inflamed nerves to heal and regenerate, eliminating the burning, tingling and stabbing pains.


You can finally repair your starved nerve fibres passively as you go about your daily life.


Without constant foot agony disrupting your mobility and sleep, you can get back to the activities you love again.


This breakthrough technology frees you from the prison of neuropathy by nourishing your damaged nerves back to health.

This New Breakthrough Technology Fixes Blood Circulation Issues and Reverses Neuropathic Pain in Mere Weeks

After just a couple weeks of wearing FunctionalSocks, my neuropathy pain began fading.


I was in disbelief. The constant stabbing and tingling had plagued my feet for so long, that I'd forgotten life without them.


Now I can stand to cook, walk my dog, play with my grandkids... all without that electrifying agony.


The freedom to move and sleep pain-free, to reclaim my's given me my life back. No more feeling trapped in my own home and body.


With renewed circulation nourishing my neglected nerves, it's like emerging from darkness back into light.


I feel like my old self again - active and unstoppable.


My only regret is not finding FunctionalSocks sooner…


But I'm determined to appreciate each pain-free step now and make up for lost time.

Thousands of People Were Able to Reverse Neuropathy With This Solution

If you check out Functional Aid's website, you will find thousands of reviews from people just like you who were able to completely reverse neuropathy:

Check Availability >>

The Best Part? You're Safe With Their 90 Day Money Back Guarantee!

So if you're still on the fence...


Just imagine this: Your legs and feet feel like you are 20 again.


And you will get back to all the things you love doing.


And if not?


If not, you will receive 100% refund of every penny you paid,


PLUS you keep the product. For FREE!!!


If you’re not thrilled with the results, Functional Aid don’t want your money. No hassles, no questions asked.


If your swollen legs and foot pain is not transformed into a feeling of bliss and relief. They will return 100 percent of your purchase price.


Simply email their customer support team at


You have nothing to lose.


Click the button below and check the availability.

Check Availability >>


4.8 | 1,897 Reviews


Improves blood circulation, relieves swelling & inflammation

Relieves Your Heel & Arch Pain From Plantar Fasciitis

Instant relief even from chronic foot pain (no harsh pain killers)

Your own in-home podiatrists (money back in your pocket)

Check Availability »

The information and other content provided in this page, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. 


If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that have read on this page or in any linked materials. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency services immediately.


© 2023 All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy - Terms of Service

The information and other content provided in this page, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. 


If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that have read on this page or in any linked materials. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency services immediately.


© 2023 All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy - Terms of Service

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